Westfield Students in the News for Gene Annotations

Head Start for Tomorrow’s Scientists

 UB medical school project is changing students’ career ideas

From sheep to science: A Westfield success story

Opportunity for WACS students

WACS students ‘doing real science’

Westfield student programs described

Selection of Gene Annotation Research Posters by Westfield Students

WACS students have been submitting posters to the University at Buffalo capstone poster symposium since 2010.


Gene Annotation of Ksed_04940, a Putative Copper Chaperone Protein in Kytococcus sedentarius

Gene Annotation of Ksed_04930, a Putative Signal Transduction Histidine Kinase in Kytococcussedentarius

Gene Annotation of Ksed_04890, a Hypothetical Protein of Unknown Function in Kytococcus sedentarius


Annotation of the Kytococcus sedentarius Genome from DNA Coordinates 218553 to 218966

Annotation of the Kytococcus sedentarius Genome from DNA Coordinates 403939 to 414240

Gene Annotation of Ksed_2300, a Putative Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase(PTP) in Kytococcus sendentarius

Gene Annotation of Ksed_02310, a Putative Fructosamine-3-Kinase in Kytococcus sedentarius

In 2017, Mr. Knappenberger started using DNA sequences from “Cryptids” as a way to introduce high school students to genomics.

An Investigation of reported Sasquatch (Homo sapiens cognatus) sequence M16.

Has Sasquatch (Homo sapiens cognatus) DNA been sequenced?

Testing a Sasquatch’s (Homo sapiens cognatus) gene AMEL_Y.

Research on a Reported Sasquatch (Homo sapien cognatus) gene HAR1

Research on Sasquatch (Homo sapiens cognatus) Gene MC1R.


“Yeti” hair DNA sequence >MG131870.1 is actually from a Tibetan Blue Bear.


Guiding Education through Novel Investigation-Academic Collaboration Toolkit

A complete Gene annotation for KSED RS00005 gene on Google docs. https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnx1YmJjbHNnZW5vbWVhbm5vdGF0aW9ufGd4OjE2M2E5NmE5Yjg4YjNhYw

>Sample Gene from Chlamydia trachomatis

3 letters are called a codon. Each codon codes for an amino acid. The amino acids form a protein, which serves a specific purpose.

Scientists have given each amino acid a one letter code.

>amino acid sequence of the above Chlamydia trachomatis gene
Convert DNA sequence to Amino Acid Sequence. Amino acids also have chemical properties, such as polar, neutral, basic, acidic, or hydrophobic. Polar Amino Acid-able to participate in hydrogen bonding. Hydrophilic. Glycine (G), Serine (S), Threonine …

Convert DNA sequence to Amino Acid Sequence.

Amino acids also have chemical properties, such as polar, neutral, basic, acidic, or hydrophobic.

Polar Amino Acid-able to participate in hydrogen bonding. Hydrophilic. Glycine (G), Serine (S), Threonine (T), Tyrosine (Y) and Cysteine (C).

Neutral Polar Amino acid.- amide side chain do NOT produce basic solutions. , proton donor or proton acceptor, Hydrophilic, Asparagine (N) and glutamine (Q)

Basic Amino acid -Polar, Raise pH., Hydrophilic, nitrogen side chains, proton acceptor, form positive charges. Lysine (K), Arginine (R) and Histidine (H).

Acidic Amino acid-Polar, lower pH, Hydrophilic, Carboxylic side chain, proton donor, form negative charges. Aspartic Acid (D) and Glutamic acid (E).

Hydrophobic amino acid-”water Fearing” found buried in the core of a protein. side chains composed mostly of carbon and hydrogen. Alanine (A) , Isoleucine ( I), Leucine (L), Methionine (M ), Phenylalanine ( F),  Valine (V), Proline ( P) and
Glycine (G).

CODON Converter

ATG -Methionine (M) Start Codon

ACA-Threonine (T)  polar amino acid. 
GAG-Glutamic Acid (E) Acidic amino acid  
TCA-Serine (S)    Polar Amino Acid
TAT-Tyrosine (Y) Polar Amino acid
GTA-Valine (V) Hydrophobic (water fearing)
AAC-Asparagine (N) Neutral amino acid
AAA -Lysine (K)-Basic amino acid
GAA- Glutamic acid (E)-Acidic  amino acid 
GAA-Glutamic Acid (E)-Acidic amino acid
ATC -Isoleucine (I)  Hydrophobic amino acid
ATC-Isoleucine (I) Hydrophobic amino acid. 
TCT-Serine  (S)  Polar amino acid
TTA-Leucine (L) Hydrophobic
GCA-Alanine (A) Hydrophobic
AAG-Lysine  (K) Basic
AAT-Asparagine (N) Neutral 
GCT-Alanine (A) Hydrophobic 
GCA-Alanine (A)Hydrophobic 
TTG-Leucine (L) Hydrophobic 
GAG-Glutamic acid (E)  Acidic 
TTG-Leucine (L)  Hydrophobic 
GAA -Glutamic acid (E) Acidic 
GAT-Aspartic acid (D) Acidic 
GCC- Alanine (A) Hydrophobic 
CAC - Histidine (H) Basic
GTG -Valine (V) Hydrophobic 
GAA- Glutamic Acid (E) Acidic 
GAG-Glutamic Acid (E)  Acidic 
TTC-Phenylalanine (F)  Hydrophobic 
GTA-Valine (V)Hydrophobic 
ACA-Threonine (T) Polar
TCT-Serine (S) Polar
ATG -Methionine (M) Hydrophobic  
AAT- Asparagine (N) Neutral
GAC-Aspartic Acid (D) Acidic 
GTC-Valine (V) Hydrophobic 
ATT-Isoleucine (I) Hydrophobic 
GCT -Alanine (A) Hydrophobic 
TTA -Leucine (L) Hydrophobic 
ATG -Methionine(M) Hydrophobic 
CAG-Glutamine (Q) Neutral
GAA-Glutamic acid (E) Acidic 
GTA-Valine (V) Hydrophobic 
ATC-Isoleucine (I) Hydrophobic 
GCG-Alanine (A) Hydrophobic 
ATA  -Isoleucine (I) Hydrophobic 
GAT -Aspartic Acid (D)  Acidic 
ATT -Isoleucine (I) Hydrophobic 
TCG -Serine (S)  Polar
GAT Aspartic Acid (D) Acidic 
ATC Isoleucine (I) Hydrophobic 
ATT -Isoleucine (I) Hydrophobic 
CTT -Leucine (L) Hydrophobic 
GAA - Glutamic acid (E) Acidic 
GCT -Alanine (A) Hydrophobic 
ACA-Threonine (T) Polar
GTG-Valine (V) Hydrophobic 
CAT' -Histidine (H)  Basic 
CAT -Histidine (H) Basic
TTC-Phenylalanine (F) Hydrophobic
GTT-Valine (V) Hydrophobic
GGT-Glycine (G) Polar
CCA-Proline (P) Hydrophobic
GAG-Glutamic Acid (E)  Acidic 
GAT-Aspartic Acid (D)Acidic 
CTT-Leucine (L) Hydrophobic
AGA-Arginine (R) Basic
GAA-Glutamic acid (E) Acidic
GAC-Aspartic Acid (D)  Acidic 
ATG-Methionine (M) Hydrophobic 
GTG-Valine (V) Hydrophobic 
ACT-Threonine (T) Polar
TCG-Serine (S) Polar
GAT-Aspartic acid (D) Acidic 
TTT-Phenylalanine (F) Hydrophobic 
ACT-Threonine (T) Polar
CAA-Glutamine (Q) Neutral 
GAA-Glutamic acid (E) Acidic 

You may try completing the rest.

GAA- _________
TTT- _________
TTA- _________
TCT- _________
AAC- _________
GTT- __________
CCC- __________
GTG- ___________
TCG- ___________
TTG -____________
GGA Glycine (G) Polar
GGA-Glycine (G)  Polar
TTA -Leucine (L) Hydrophobic 
GTC-Valine (V) Hydrophobic 
AAA-Lysine (K) Basic 
GTC -Valine (V)  Hydrophobic 
CCT -Proline (P) Hydrophobic 
ACA-Threonine (T) Polar
GTT Valine (V)  Hydrophobic 
ATC -Isoleucine (I) Hydrophobic 
AAA-Lysine (K) Basic 
TAG-STOP Codon *

What would this protein look like?

Important Information


Basic DNA YouTube Videos

What is DNA and How Does it Work?

What is a gene?

Mr. DNA from Jurassic Park 

Module 1: Basic Information

The Locus Tag, Sequence Coordinates, DNA Sequences DNA Sequence Length, Amino acid sequence and  Amino acid sequence length for his/her gene will be added to your gene notebook. 

PDF of Instructions.

Instructional Video 1

Instructional Video 2

Module 2:  Sequence-based Similarity Data Module

It answers the question: Is the protein you are annotating similar to other known proteins? This involves pasting the sequence into websites and learning how to interpret the results. 

PDF of Instructions

BLAST Training video


BLAST finds regions of similarity between biological sequences. The program compares nucleotide or protein sequences to sequence databases and calculates the statistical significance.

CDD Training Video

CDD (Conserved Domain Database)  is a protein annotation resource that consists of a collection of well-annotated multiple sequence alignment models for ancient domains and full-length proteins.

T-COFFEE Training Video

T-Coffee Multiple Sequence Alignment

T-Coffee is a multiple sequence alignment program. 


WEBlogo Training video


WebLogo is a web based application designed to make the generation of sequence logos as easy and painless as possible.

Training Video Module 2 version 2

What do the colors mean?

What do the colors mean?

BLACK-Hydrophobic A,V, L, I P, W, F & M.

RED-Acidic D&,E

BLUE-Basic K,R, & H.

GREEN -Polar G, S, T, Y & C.

PURPLE- Neutral Q & N

N-Terminus=(also known as the amino-terminus, NH2-terminus, N-terminal end or amine-terminus) is the start of a protein or polypeptide referring to the free amine group (-NH2) located at the end of a polypeptide.

C-Terminus-(also known as the carboxyl-terminus, carboxy-terminus, C-terminal tail, C-terminal end, or COOH-terminus) is the end of an amino acid chain protein orpolypepotide), terminated by a free carboxyl (-COOH).

Interpretation: This WebLogo is more conserved at the C- terminus than the N-terminus. .

Module 3. Structure-based Evidence Module:

Is the protein you are annotating functionally similar to other known proteins? 

PDF of Instructions

TIGR FAMS website


TigerFam and Pfam video

TIGR FAMS supports searches of protein sequence against a database of hidden Markov models (HMMs) based upon protein families.

Pfam website

The Pfam database is a large collection of protein families, each represented by multiple sequence alignments and hidden Markov models (HMMs).

Protein Data Bank

pfam Video

The Vision of the PDB is to enable open access to the accumulating knowledge of 3D structure, function, and evolution of biological macromolecules, expanding the frontiers of fundamental biology, biomedicine, and biotechnology.

PDB Video

Module 4. Cellular Localization:

Is the protein you are annotating located in the cytoplasm of the cell, embedded in the cytoplasmic membrane or secreted? 

PDF of Instructions 

PubMed Search

Prediction of transmembrane helices in proteins

TMHMM and SignalP Video

TMHMM is a method for prediction transmembrane helices based on a hidden Markov model

Signal Protein Predictor

The SignalP 5.0 server predicts the presence of signal peptides and the location of their cleavage sites in proteins from Archaea, Gram-positive Bacteria, Gram-negative Bacteria and Eukarya.

Predict lipoprotein signal peptides in Gram-negative Eubacteria

Predict whether your protein is found within the cytoplasm, an integral membrane protein or a secreted protein.

Phobius: A combined transmembrane topology and signal peptide predictor

Phobius website

Phobius Video

PsortB: most precise bacterial localization prediction tool available.

PsortB website

pSORTb Video

Module 6: Enzymatic Function.

Is the protein you are annotating an enzyme, if so, what is its function? 

PDF of Instructions.

KEGG pathway database

KEGG PATHWAY is a collection of manually drawn pathway maps representing our knowledge on the molecular interaction, reaction and relation networks for:

1. Metabolism 
2. Genetic Information Processing 
3. Environmental Information Processing 
4. Cellular Processes 
5. Organismal Systems 
6. Human Diseases 
7. Drug Development

MetaCyc pathway

MetaCyc is a curated database of experimentally elucidated metabolic pathways from all domains of life.

ExPASy Enzyme

ENZYME is a repository of information relative to the nomenclature of enzymes.

Module 8: Horizontal Gene Transfer

Did the bacteria get the gene from another organism? 


T-Coffee website

NCBI Taxonomy

France Phylogenetic Tree site

IMG/JGI site

Module 5: Alternative Open reeading Frame

Did the gene caller call the start codon correctly?

If not, what is the correct start codon?

PDF of Instructions



  1. Shine-Dalgarno sequence- (5′-AGGAGGU-3′) ribosomal binding site in bacterial messenger RNA , generally located around 8 bases upstream of the start codon. 

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